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19 Things God’s Taught Me

Writer's picture: Katie ValdezKatie Valdez

Another year older, another year of blessings!

Let me tell 18 was hard for me! God challenged me in a big way, but He never left me. Not once. I wanted to write this blog because in the past year alone God has taught me sooo much about His plan for me, His love, and when He calls me to do something – it’s not always going to be easy. These are lessons everyone needs to learn and should learn to help their relationship with God! So, I hope you enjoy a little peek into all the things God’s has taught me in my 19 years on Earth!

* not in a specific order*

19 things God’s taught me

1. His voice is a whisper because He’s standing right next to us
2. Other peoples words don’t define who I am, He does
3. I can only please Him
4. We live for Him, not anyone else
5. He doesn’t send us to do anything we can’t handle
6. Who you surround yourself with, impacts you more than you think
7. We have to give it all to God
8. Our words matter

9. God doesn’t miss a thing
10. He loves a cheerful giver
11. His plan for us is enough
12. If we ask, He’s there and He answers
13. If we want an encounter with God, we have to have a relationship first
14. Sharing the gospel is easier than we make it out to be sometimes
15. EVERYONE has sinned and fallen short
16. Gods love and power never stops
17. All we need is faith
18. He is so so good, even in the storms
19. The bible is enough

I hope you enjoyed seeing a glimpse of what God has taught me. There is so much more that He has given me, but this was 19 of my favorites. I pray that some of these resinate with you and maybe help you along in your walk.

As always, never hesitate to reach out! Even if its just to say hey. Comment any questions below, direct message me on Instagram, or email me at

– KaGie♥



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