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Don’t Worry, God’s Got It

Writer's picture: Katie ValdezKatie Valdez

We started a new series at church this past week and I love it so much already. It’s called “Walking With God” I’m currently in my last week of high school, counting down the days until I walk across the stage for Graduation and then my birthday is this month too, right after Graduation!! So this series could not have come at a better time! I’m busy busy, but I can’t let myself stray from God.

I’m going to dive in to Matthew 6:25-34 ! This passage is all about not worrying. Anxiety is such a huge thing for many people, but as Christians we have the blessing of an amazing Father taking our struggles and worries, and putting them on His own back, for us.

The passage starts out talking about how God takes care of the birds in the sky and the flowers on the ground… he then in verse 30 calls us out for not trusting in Him.

“If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you—you of little faith?” – vs. 30

We have to have faith in God, and know that he’s taking care of us.

Then my favorite verse of the passage…

“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well” – vs. 33

FIRST go to God, then everything is taken care of. Don’t worry about what grade you’re getting on that test, don’t have anxiety about that person in the room you don’t want to see, don’t stress about where you are financially or how you’re doing in your job. Seek God. Then He will take care of the rest. He’s got us, He never fails.

To close out.. I leave with this…

Anxiety is a result of a disordered heart.
Simplicity orders our hearts towards Jesus.

The world tells us to escape when we’re broken. It tells us to drop everything and change who we are in order to pick up the broken pieces. When really all we are doing when we do that is making the problems worse.

Jesus tells us to look to Him and be in His presence. He welcomes us with open arms, broken or together. He wants us to go to Him in order to find our peace. He is with us to pick up our broken pieces, and take our pain away.

I work on seeking Him first every day. I work through my worry, stress, and anxiety every day. So if you’re struggling too, know that you aren’t alone! I hope you can re-read the verses I talked about today and meditate on the reassurance God gives us in them.

If you have any questions, comments, or just need a friend to talk to.. message me! Either on here or Direct Message me on Instagram.

-KaGie 🙂


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