High. School. Is. Over. I officially am a high school graduate! This past weekend I graduated and then had a party to celebrate. One thing my mom and I love to do together is party plan, so I thought.. why not share my party that we just had!! It was so fun to create, bring together, and then enjoy.
This was a small party of just close family and friends. I love travel so the house became a world travel resort, camera/photography style, and of course FRIENDS (my fav TV show) was placed in the party theme as well.

The Friends photo booth area was PERFECTION. I mean, it’s THE door!

The table is covered with travel stuff… from maps of places I’ve been, to two atlas’, to pictures of me on mission trips and on vacations, to a big world map that guests can sign. This table was so good. Flowers, also are my favorite, so we had to have a bouquet in the middle of the table, and some senior pictures!!

Food food food. Of course Chick Fil A nuggets were present, delicious cookies made by a family friend, candies, popcorn, cheese & crackers, and fruits & veggies. It was my mom and I’s first time doing a grazing/cheese board.. I think it went pretty good and we all loved it !

I hope you all enjoyed seeing a little bit of my party! What’s not pictured is TONS of pictures of me, a timeline of all my school photos, the gift/card area, and the drink area. These little spots completed the party, but I got my favorite spots captured:)
For more, check out @thelifeofkagie on Instagram!
– KaGie:)