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Kindness in Traveling

Writer's picture: Katie ValdezKatie Valdez

Traveling. Something I’ve been doing a lot of lately! While I am super happy to be home and knock out my finals this week before break, I am thankful I got to travel the past two weekends. Kindness in travel is super easy, and it is something that will make a BIG impact on the other person…

How to be kind when traveling:

  1. Clean up after yourself

While this might be common sense, it doesn’t happen a lot. In the airport (and even the city you are going to) cleaning up after you eat is a big blessings. The workers see tons and tons of people and helping clean up makes their job easier.

  1. Offer to let them go first

We’re all trying to get somewhere and we are all in a rush to get there. It is okay to pause, take a step back and let them go first.

  1. If you see someone struggling with bags, directions, anything… help

  2. Do everything with a HAPPY heart

Here are two verses that I have been re-reading over and over when I travel….

“And as you wish that others would do to you, do so to them” – Luke 6:31
“Contribute to the needs of the saints and seek to show hospitality’ – Romans 12:13

– KaGie 🙂


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