Q & A…
Hello everyone, after taking a poll… All about me vs. Details on my trip, All about me won out (don’t worry if you picked “details on my trip” it will come soon!) On my Instagram Blog ( @thelifeofkagie ) I put on my story “ask me anything” …. here is what you guys want to know about me…
“How do you keep in the faith while traveling”
For me traveling is easy to keep in the Word, but it wasn’t always. It’s hard sometimes to take your big bible and break it open to read while you’re on vacation, but there is an easier way! When traveling, I use the app “Solid Joys”, which is a daily devotional. This easy morning read gets me right on track for the day before I even leave my bed! Also, take time to step back and look at your surrounds when you’re in a new place. God created this BEAUTIFUL world, so enjoy it and praise Him for it.
“Why did you start putting bible verses with your pictures”
I haven’t been doing this for long! I recently started my Instagram Blog, which is where I put my pictures with verses. I started adding verses to my pictures because I wanted to show that no matter what the picture is, you can find God in it. I have a passion for photography and the Lord, so why not combine it!
“What is your favorite season”
Ugh.. Summer = no school and swimming alllll day every day , Fall = bonfires and football games , Winter = snow and cuddling up with fuzzy blankets , and Spring = new beginnings and flowers. If I had to choose just one I would probably say Fall. I pick this one because it is not too hot or too cold yet, and it is when the season for bonfires and fuzzy blankets comes!!
“Where is your favorite place that you have gone to?”
This one is SOOO hard for me, because I have gone to so many different places. I think my favorite trip domestically was to California, in July of 2016. This trip I traveled all over the state with using only a paper map to get around! My cousin and I went hiking, swimming, and adventuring in all the cities. It was so so good!
I think my favorite trip internationally was Cuba. I went on a mission trip for about a week there in June of this year! It was such an amazing experience, and the people I was around were so kind. God really stirred in my heart on this trip to create a change and follow it into my day to day life, not just on mission trips.
‘What is your dream trip?”
Hands down Paris! Yes this is the cliche answer for most girls, but ever since I was little and watched the movie Monte Carlo (starring Selena Gomez), I have never stopped wanting to go there. I plan to go after I am 21, and have been saving up for it since I was little. I am counting down the years to this trip already!!!
Well that is all the questions I was asked. If you have more feel free to ask me! I would love to share more.
Hope you enjoyed
– KaGie 🙂