The reasons why I don’t partake in setting goals and resolutions in January…
Do the pictures above look familiar? These are representations of the most common New Years resolutions… travel more, get rid of bad habits, read more, eat healthy, try something new and get back into daily bible readings.
The New Year is here and people all around are in a race to figure out what new lifestyle choices they are going to make this year, and what bad habits they are going to break… but is it all worth it?
I read an article the other day that said about 80% of people who make a New Years resolutions list have failed their list by February… how sad is that! Goals are meant to encourage you, push you and challenge you, but they also should be within reach so you can one day achieve it.
I am a firm believer in trying new things, making goals, and keeping your life on track. However I don’t believe in making a list at the start of the year, with things that have to be done within 2019. Challenge yourself daily, but don’t set yourself up for failure at the end of the year. If you make goals make them attainable, and set a goal date.. don’t just say by the end of 2019.
I make goals all year round, so that I don’t have all this pressure on me in January to make a list and achieve them in a year.
– KaGie 🙂